Monday, December 3, 2012

A time to wait

As of today, we're kind of in a waiting mode. We've secured the lawyer we want to work with and next is the home study, which is in a pre-scheduled status. We're on the list of a really great guy, but there are a couple people in front of us, so we're hoping that we can have the home study completed by the end of February. If a baby becomes available to us between now and then, though, we'll have the opportunity to get moved to the top of his list. Which is all good by me, because our landlord is installing new carpet in our house sometime this month! Woo Hoo! So excited about this!
Please continue to pray for our journey, especially for patience and allowing God to work through us daily as we do all the little things required to bring a new little on into our lives through adoption. Also, if you know of anyone who is wishing to find a great home for their baby through adoption, please give them our lawyers or our information (see "Birth Mother" tab at the top of the blog). As I've said before, any lead is a good lead, whether it results in us having our dream come true or if it results in God working through us to help someone else. It's all for His glory and all in His timing.
Have a blessed day!
~Chris & Helen

1 comment:

Diane Noble said...

Sounds like you are doing everything you can on your part to plan and prepare. I'm undergirding your dreams with prayer!